Get Published In Sensitive Living Magazine

Reach Our Growing Audience Of Highly Sensitive People

Our mission is to connect our readers with experts that actively serve Highly Sensitive People in any aspect of their life.

Sensitive Living Magazine is a multi-media digital format. If accepted, you will get targeted exposure to a worldwide audience of Highly Sensitive People through all of our channels including but not limited to the Magazine (which is available through Apple and Google and in the online magazine store at, our social media channels and our online communications.

If you have a topic that is relevant for the Highly Sensitive Person, please review our criteria below. If you feel you fit the criteria, please follow the guidelines below to submit your article.

Article Criteria

We review article submissions based on the following criteria:


#1: Relevance to the Highly Sensitive Person

#2: How the topic of the article fits in our editorial calendar.

#3: Does this article offer tangible actionable tools or steps an HSP can use in their life.

#4: Does this article fit in the brand of Sensitive Living Magazine.

#5: Is this article well written and thoroughly edited.

#6: Does the article have a catchy engaging title that draws the reader into the article.

#7: Does the author currently serve the Highly Sensitive Person community in some capacity.

#8: We are actively looking for articles that help the Highly Sensitive Person in the following areas:


  • Self protection
  • Health and well being
  • Communication
  • Setting boundaries
  • Dating
  • Sex
  • Prosperity
  • Embracing your sensitive nature
  • Self awareness
  • Relationships
  • Fun and adventure
  • Empowerment
  • Finding happiness, calm, inner peace
  • Managing your energy
  • Mindset

Contributor Guidelines


Please review and follow the guidelines below in order to be considering for inclusion in the magazine.


#1: Preference is for work not previously published or featured online, however as long as you still own permission of your article, you are welcome to submit it.

#2: Articles that have previously been published as a personal blog, Instagram, Facebook, etc. are acceptable and welcome.


#3: If we choose your article to be published, we reserve the right to edit the article to fit in the brand of the magazine including but not limited to editing the copy and the title of the article.


#4: Monetary compensation is not offered at this time. However, all guest contributors will receive an acknowledgement with clickable links to their own social media/website. This is shown at the end of their article alongside a bio.


#5: We also include additional exposure for our contributors in our online newsletter communications and social media outreach.

#6: By submission, the guest contributor acknowledges their original ownership and copyright of all work submitted and grants non-exclusive rights to Sensitive Living Magazine to use his/her work in its magazine publication and online; including but not limited to its magazine, promotional materials, website, blog, and social media sites. Please note: Full article will only be published in our magazine (we will not distribute your article anywhere else) and the only potential article mentions are given in any of the above examples. Full attribution to the author will always be given.


#7: Guest contributors will be notified via email if they are accepted for publication. Submission does not imply or guarantee publication.


Submission Instructions

#1: Article lengths should be approx. 500-1500 words. Please note, that any article needing more than minor edits will not be approved. To better your chance of a successful submission, please make sure you follow all of the submission instructions and submit a well written and thoroughly edited article.

#2: We look for articles that teach, educate, inspire and give our readers actionable steps to utilize in their own life. 

#3: Article must follow the following structure: TITLE - SUB-TITLE - AUTHORS NAME - CONTENT

#4: 55-word bio (MAX) and website URL (if you have one) must be included in your submission document at the end of your article.

#5: Articles must be submitted as a Word doc and titled with the author's name. 

#6: Include in e-mail subject line: Article submission

#7: Include in the body copy:

Answers to the following questions:


Do you currently serve the Highly Sensitive Person Community?

If so, in what capacity?

How long have you been serving the Highly Sensitive Person Community through your work?

#8: Include your contact information requested below in the body copy of the e-mail.

  • Include your full name, website OR link to one social media channel depending on how you would prefer to be contacted by the reader.
  • Include your 55 word bio (max)
  • Include your e-mail and phone number (E-mail and phone number are for our purposes only. This will NOT be published if your article is accepted)

#9: Attach your article in word document to the e-mail and SEND!

Please note: Any missing information that is not submitted with your article as requested in the submission instructions above will delay our ability to consider your article for submission. Please check to make sure you have included all the information requested above with your submission before you send it to us.

Please e-mail your submission to:


If you have ANY additional questions about these guidelines or want to send a query e-mail first with your article submission ideas, please feel free to contact us at