Debbie Lynn Grace, Publisher

Debbie Lynn Grace, born a highly sensitive person and empath, knew she was different as a child. Being able to sense other people’s energy around her was often times overwhelming and she was teased and bullied growing up for her sensitive nature and felt that she didn’t belong.

Over the years she felt her sensitive nature was a challenge until life threw her a big curve ball that changed the path of her career, ignited her calling and shifted her own relationship with her sensitivity.


Initially her professional career took her on a path into marketing, first working for a direct marketing agency where she managed multi-million dollar direct mail campaigns for Fortune 500 Corporations. She then left the agency to become VP, Marketing for a 4.5 Billion dollar financial institution in Chicago.

In 1994, started her own marketing consulting business. And went on to become an author, an international speaker at business, leadership and personal development conferences, being quoted, published and interviewed in over 300 publications, podcasts and radio programs and establishing a worldwide following.


 A few months after starting her fledgling business, Debbie went through a life changing painful event. Desperate to heal her emotional pain, she learned a form of energy work called Flow, Alignment and Connection™ in order to help with the emotional healing. For the next two years Debbie continued to grow her marketing consulting business by day. At night, she learned how to track energy flow and identify where there is a lack of flow in a person or situation and dissolve the energy block so that a transformation would happen.


It was through this energy practice Debbie discovered she had a very powerful intuitive gift that she began to use in her consulting practice. She was able to identify the energy blocks in her clients’ business and give her clients very specific strategic advice that removed the energy blocks and aligned their business in the marketplace.


As the years progressed, her inner voice kept getting stronger and stronger guiding her to move beyond business and integrate her professional and spiritual calling. Most important, her relationship with her sensitive nature transformed into an embracing of the powerful gift she was born with.


It was in 2015 that her inner guidance took her on the path she walks today. For over two decades she found herself teaching her clients energy protection tools along with other methods to stay in flow and live in a high vibration. Now she felt called to teach a class exclusively for Highly Sensitive People to give them the tools to embrace the gift of their sensitive nature and stay powerful and protected in every situation. In a very short amount of time, the program she launched attracted tens of thousands of Highly Sensitive People from all over the world who wanted access to these tools.


After personally working with thousands of Highly Sensitive People worldwide and hearing their pain, their challenges, their struggles, their needs and desires she knew there must be a bigger way to serve the Highly Sensitive Community. This bigger vision led to the birth of Sensitive Living Magazine.


Sensitive Living was born with the mission to give Highly Sensitive People a virtual home in a digital magazine format where you can find expert tips, strategies, insights, products and services that are designed to help you live powerfully in your everyday life, your relationships, your health and well-being, your mindset, dating and even your fun and adventure.

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