Collaborate with Sensitive Living Magazine

If you want to reach Highly Sensitive People worldwide we want to talk with you!

We are actively seeking collaborations with companies who already serve Highly Sensitive People to support our vision of bringing together the largest community of Highly Sensitive People worldwide.

Through strategic collaborations we can offer you increased exposure through all our media channels in addition to the magazine to a targeted, engaged audience of active buyers who might not have heard of your company before.

Collaborations can be through: Strategic marketing partnerships, Ambassadors of the magazine, and Contributors who want increased marketing exposure to this targeted audience.

We feel strongly about creating long-term relationships with all of our partners so that more Highly Sensitive People are served and know about your company’s products and services.


Help us spread the word about our magazine through a customized collaboration that also gives you targeted exposure to an audience in need of your products and services.

Please contact us now at